Thrift Store
Hours of Operation
Mon, Tue, Fri: 9am to 4pm
Sat: 9am to 1pm
Yokefellow operates a thrift store at its headquarters in Lenoir. When there is demonstrated need, Yokefellow’s Emergency Assistance office issues vouchers that allow clients to receive goods from the thrift store at no charge every 90 days. In addition, thrift store vouchers are provided at any time when there is a personal or household emergency.
The store provides extremely affordable men’s, women’s and children’s clothing and accessories, as well as household items. A wide range of furniture items are also available in the Thrift Store.
Donations of clothing and household items are accepted during the store hours listed above. Also, the thrift store can arrange for in-home pickups by appointment. Call us to make arrangements.
2023 Results
802 vouchers totalling $78,363
494,252 pounds donated
$371,719 in sales that supported Yokefellow ministries

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